Friday, August 22, 2008

Q: Bronson and Kasey,
I'm 22 years old and I just started having sex for the first time in my life and there's one situation that I'm not quite sure how to handle that isn't really addressed in any porn film or sex talk show. You know when you're like having intercourse and your penis slips out and you have to grab it to stick it back in to the girl's vagina?...and like when you touch your penis that has the girl wetness on it then the wetness (sorry, don't know the medical term for that stuff) gets on your hand...Well, my question is...Where do you wipe your hand off when it gets that stuff on it? Do you wipe it off on yourself or what? Not quite sure what the proper etiquette is. -Nick, Decatur, IL

A: Nick,
First of all, the official term for that "wetness" you speak of is "girl goo." When you get girl goo on your hand DO NOT wipe it off on yourself. You need to wipe it off on her. It's gotta go back to where it came from. It's easiest to just quickly wipe it off on the outside of her thigh and get back to business. Or, if you're at her place and you feel bad about wiping it off on her then you can wipe it off on her sheets. You do need to wipe it off though so that your hand doesn't slip when you're holding on for the ride. In no way should you ever wipe it off on yourself or on your own sheets...Respect yourself and your shit. -B and K

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